#223. Dad, what is the Pygmalion Effect?By / DAD: The Pygmalion Effect is how the power of positive thinking can result in positive outcomes—just by changing your perspective.
#392. Dad , what are anti-goals? Decisions, Habits, Happiness, Peace, Purpose, Self Esteem, Success, Values, Wisdom / By This idea originated from Stoic philosophers. Instead of focusing on what you want to achieve, focus on what you want […]
#141. Dad, sometimes I don’t know what to do Decisions, Happiness / By Start with “what makes you happy” and know that there is no right answer.
#45. Dad, is money a valuable goal? Life Advice, Money / By Money should never be the goal. Money is a tool to help you accomplish your goals.
#63. Dad, how much is enough? Generosity, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Lifestyle / By If you have a safe place to sleep, reasonable health and food in the fridge, you probably have enough.
#125. Dad, there is so much I still have to figure out Happiness, Life Advice, Risk, Wisdom / By It’s not always about trying to figure things out. Sometimes it’s about allowing things to reveal themselves.
#174. Dad, how do I find peace? Happiness, Peace / By A good starting point is to stop worrying about what other people think about you.