#102. Dad, does having more stuff equal happiness?By / Material items do not always equal happiness. Sometimes they just add stress and debt.
#332. Dad, what does “living slow” mean? Delayed Gratification, Happiness, Lifestyle, Purpose / By Living slow means listening to your body and giving it the rest it deserves. It means refusing to reach a […]
#86. Dad, do I have to spend a lot of money to be content? Gratitude, Happiness, Lifestyle, Money, Simplicity / By You don’t need to get out of the city to feel calm. You don’t need a gym membership to push […]
#267. Dad, what causes unhappiness? Decisions, Happiness, Life Advice / By Our own unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others makes us unhappy.
#394. Dad, what is the value of silence? Peace, Simplicity, Wisdom / By Silence helps bring us back to a place of rest and clarity – away from the noise of the world
#42. Dad, what is the “damn I’m happy stage”? Happiness, Life Advice, Peace, Purpose / By It is called fulfillment. You reach this stage when you discover who you are by supporting yourself doing work you […]
#72. Dad, what is minimalism? Happiness, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Peace, Simplicity, Values / By Minimalism is less about the quantity of items you have and more about the quality of life you create.