#170. Dad, tell me about spending time with myself.By / Spending time by yourself allows you to hear your thoughts without distractions.
#167. Dad, I try to learn as much as I can from others. Leadership, Motivation, Risk, Time, Values, Wisdom / By It is just as important to learn what not to do from others as much as what to do.
#112. Dad, what is the difference between thinking and doing? Character, Generosity, Gratitude, Humble, Life Advice, Motivation / By Thinking is valueless, unless it leads to doing.
#158. Dad, what is attention management? Habits, Humble, Kindness, Leadership, Love, Time / By Attention management is the practice of controlling distractions, being present in the moment and maximizing focus.
#93. Dad, tell me about eating in restaurants Money, Spending / By Eating at home is normal. Eating out is an expensive treat and should be done when there is a social […]
#188. Dad, sometimes I really move fast and get lots done Decisions, Lifestyle, Motivation, Purpose / By It doesn’t matter how fast you move as long you are moving in a worthwhile direction.
#253. Dad, how do I live boldly? Fear, Happiness, Purpose / By Living boldly means recognizing that many of your fears are false.