#171. Dad, what is your favourite Lao Tzu quote?By / “Knowing others is intelligence; knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is strength; mastering yourself is true power.”
#322. Dad, tell me about new beginnings. Life Advice, Motivation, Passion, Risk / By A new beginning may be the thing you need to find purpose.
#340. Dad, how do you know if somebody has low EQ? Leadership, Talent, Wisdom / By They blame others for their problems.
#425. Dad, when is ambition healthy versus harmful? Contentment, Delayed Gratification, Happiness, Humble, Kindness, Life Advice, Peace, Purpose, Self Care, Values / By Healthy ambition energizes you and aligns with your values. Harmful ambition depletes you and comes from needing to prove your […]
#222. Dad, is it OK to be wrong? Wisdom / By DAD: Yes. Accept the possibility that you will be wrong. Don’t be arrogant. Be curious.
#419. Dad, how do I help my children develop a positive self-image and confidence? Authentic, Character, Courage, Habits, Life Advice, Success, Values / By Encourage them to celebrate their strengths and accomplishments, provide constructive feedback, and offer unconditional love and support. Help them set […]