#172. Dad, life is unfair.By / At the end of each day, breathe deeply, appreciate where you are, and see the value in what you have.
#124. Dad, tell me about getting old Gratitude, Happiness, Life Advice, Purpose / By As you age, you’ll learn to value your time, genuine relationships, meaningful work, and peace of mind.
#427. Dad, what is the difference between enabling and supporting someone? Accountability, Courage, Empathy, Kindness, Life Advice, Motivation, Resilience, Self Care / By Support helps people grow and learn from consequences. Enabling shields people from necessary life lessons. If you are solving their […]
#296. Dad, why do you prefer experiences rather than gifts? Generosity, Gratitude, Happiness, Kindness / By I am not against gifts. I simply prefer something that has meaning or memories, instead of stuff.
#205. Dad, good time management is not easy. Habits, Time / By DAD: In order to improve your time management, you must first improve your habits.
#419. Dad, how do I help my children develop a positive self-image and confidence? Authentic, Character, Courage, Habits, Life Advice, Success, Values / By Encourage them to celebrate their strengths and accomplishments, provide constructive feedback, and offer unconditional love and support. Help them set […]
#391. Dad, what is the “flywheel effect?” Habits, Motivation, Simplicity, Time / By When small wins build on top of each other over time, momentum will gradually build up and help each “cycle” […]