#402. Dad, how do I become authentically confident?By / Becoming authentically confident means becoming comfortable with your moments of insecurity and using it as a source of positive energy.
#283. Dad, do I only improve by moving forward? Habits, Life Advice, Resilience / By Eliminating mistakes is an under-appreciated way to improve.
#162. Dad, I think I have become too comfortable with routine. Decisions, Fear, Habits, Happiness, Minimalism, Passion / By Don’t live the same day over and over again and call it a life!
#415. Dad, what is fear? Courage, Fear, Gratitude, Kindness, Peace / By Dad, what is fear? Fear is just the imagination getting out of control
#143. Dad, I have difficulty balancing my life Character, Decisions, Habits, Purpose, Resilience, Time / By Stick to your priorities, instead of being pulled by the expectations of others.
#111. Dad, sometimes I judge people too quickly Character, Decisions, Fear, Humble, Kindness / By We all make snap judgements unconsciously. Try to observe, listen and understand before judging.
#77. Dad, tell me about work. Habits, Happiness, Life Advice / By Avoid busy work. Enjoy focused work instead.