#41. Dad, should I repay the highest interest rate debt first?By / Tackle smaller balances first. This builds momentum and there are psychological reward to doing it this way.
#45. Dad, is money a valuable goal? Life Advice, Money / By Money should never be the goal. Money is a tool to help you accomplish your goals.
#129. Dad, is a high income a guarantee that you will retire rich? Debt, Money, Spending, Success / By There are no guarantees. Make sure you spend less than you earn and save for the future.
#120. Dad, I don’t have time to understand my personal finances. Debt, Financial Freedom, Time, Values / By What I’m hearing is that “I don’t want to make the time.” If it’s important to you then you will […]
#167. Dad, I try to learn as much as I can from others. Leadership, Motivation, Risk, Time, Values, Wisdom / By It is just as important to learn what not to do from others as much as what to do.
#349. Dad, is it advisable to “just let go?” Accountability, Decisions, Lifestyle, Motivation, Purpose / By Letting go to the point of not caring is actually similar to trying to control everything.
#211. Dad, what is a “reverse bucket list?” Character, Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Habits, Happiness, Life Advice, Motivation, YOLO / By DAD: A “reverse bucket list” reminds you of what you have already done and makes you feel inspired instead of […]