#35. Dad, what does it mean to have a healthy relationship with money?By / When you develop a healthy relationship with money, you don’t spend money on needless stuff.
#82. Dad, does having more stuff make me happier? Lifestyle, Minimalism, Purpose, Simplicity / By Material items do not always equal happiness. Sometimes they just add more stress and debt.
#34. Dad, what is the difference between a want and a need? Debt, Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Minimalism / By A need is something you have to have. A want is a choice.
#422. Dad, when does being frugal cross the line into being cheap? Financial Freedom, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Money, Simplicity, Values / By Frugal people make smart financial choices while still investing in what matters. Cheap people sacrifice quality and relationships just to […]
#63. Dad, how much is enough? Generosity, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Lifestyle / By If you have a safe place to sleep, reasonable health and food in the fridge, you probably have enough.
#85. Dad, what are the main financial challenges facing Millennials? Credit Card, Debt, Lifestyle, Money / By Most Millennials are weighed down by student debt, the high cost of housing and bleak career prospects.
#300. Dad, what is the definition of frugal? Character, Financial Freedom, Lifestyle, Simplicity / By Simply being thoughtful about your purchases.