#118. Dad, what is the external comparison trap?By / Comparison makes us feel as if life is a race. The only benefit to comparison is inspiration.
#137. Dad, should I fear the unknown? Character, Motivation, Passion, Success / By The unknown should not feared. It is merely something you’ve yet to experience.
#165. Dad, I feel I don’t earn enough money to be wealthy. Debt, Financial Freedom, Minimalism, Money / By How much you earn does not determine your ability to build wealth. The first step to building wealth is to […]
#175. Dad, what does “Dulcius Ex Asperis” mean? Character, Success, YOLO / By This phrase means “Sweeter after difficulties” It reminds you that nothing good comes easily.
#202. Dad, what is prayer? Gratitude, Humble, Peace, Wisdom / By Prayer is recognition that we can’t figure out this thing called life, on our own.
#188. Dad, sometimes I really move fast and get lots done Decisions, Lifestyle, Motivation, Purpose / By It doesn’t matter how fast you move as long you are moving in a worthwhile direction.
#180. Dad, I feel that I have to be in control. Character, Decisions, Humble, Motivation, Purpose / By If you want to be in control, start by letting go of control and see if things start to take […]