#58. Dad, how do most adults rate their financial literacy skills?By / More than 60% of adults rate their financial knowledge as “fair” or “poor”.
#419. Dad, how do I help my children develop a positive self-image and confidence? Authentic, Character, Courage, Habits, Life Advice, Success, Values / By Encourage them to celebrate their strengths and accomplishments, provide constructive feedback, and offer unconditional love and support. Help them set […]
#172. Dad, life is unfair. Gratitude, Habits, Life Advice, Motivation / By At the end of each day, breathe deeply, appreciate where you are, and see the value in what you have.
#124. Dad, tell me about getting old Gratitude, Happiness, Life Advice, Purpose / By As you age, you’ll learn to value your time, genuine relationships, meaningful work, and peace of mind.
#297. Dad, is personal finance all about money? Habits, Money, Values / By Personal finance is about values, habits and mindset and not only about money.
#36. Dad, tell me why holiday traditions are so financially stressful? BLOG, Debt, Generosity, Simplicity / By We don’t have to continue holiday traditions that leave us overwhelmed, broke and tired. Traditions should not detract from the […]
#3. Dad, what is ‘What-the-hell-effect’? Debt, Spending / By The ‘What-the-hell-effect’ is when you have spent more than you have earned and then decide that you might as well […]