#363. Dad, how do we become who we are?By / We become what we expose ourselves to – who we hang out with, what we listen to and how we define success.
#158. Dad, what is attention management? Habits, Humble, Kindness, Leadership, Love, Time / By Attention management is the practice of controlling distractions, being present in the moment and maximizing focus.
#241. Dad, what is the meaning of life? Happiness, Kindness, Life Advice, Purpose, Success / By DAD: Whatever you want it to be.
#156. Dad, many of my plans don’t turn out as expected Fear, Humble, Risk, Success, Wisdom / By Some of the best things in life happen unexpectedly, and in spite of our failed plans.
#365. Dad, is the goal to be perfect? Decisions, Habits, Humble, Purpose, Wisdom / By The goal is not to be perfect. The goal is to be better than before.
#275. Dad, what is a “peaceful life?” Life Advice, Peace, Simplicity / By A “peaceful life” is the removal of ongoing stress.
#210. Dad, what is a victim mindset? Habits, Kindness, YOLO / By DAD: Stop blaming others and take responsibility for the circumstances of your life.