#362. Dad, what is the avocado toast problem?By / Avocado toast is not the problem. It is about unnecessary expenses that prevent us from achieving our financial goals.
#71. Dad, what do I do when I am in doubt? Character, Decisions / By Visualize where you want to go and seed your life with the opportunity for change.
#434. Dad, what happens to relationships when we fail to take accountability? Accountability, Love, Trust / By Trust erodes, and resentment builds. Accountability strengthens connections by showing respect and reliability.
#305. Dad, sometimes I feel like I have no direction. Accountability, Decisions, Happiness, Life Advice, Motivation / By Having no direction is an excuse to get one step closer to a more fulfilling life.
#33.Dad, why should I make my bed first thing in the morning? Character, Habits, Life Advice, Success / By By making your bed in the morning, you knock-off your first accomplishment of the day. This puts you in a […]
#176. Dad, how do I increase my attention span? Minimalism, Purpose, Simplicity / By Stop multitasking and remove anything from your environment that might distract you.
#165. Dad, I feel I don’t earn enough money to be wealthy. Debt, Financial Freedom, Minimalism, Money / By How much you earn does not determine your ability to build wealth. The first step to building wealth is to […]