#157. Dad, how do I deal with daily distractions?By / There are more distractions than ever before, and you must learn to control your attention span in order to control your life.
#119. Dad, how did decluttering make you feel? Minimalism, Simplicity / By Decluttering allowed me to have more of what I love, and less of what I don’t.
#155. Dad, sometimes I feel my future is bleak. Humble, Motivation, Resilience / By Don’t assume your future is not bright. A lot of positive things will happen in your future that you are […]
#62. Dad, why should I not keep up with the Joneses? Leadership, Purpose, Values / By If you are emulating what someone else does or has, you aren’t taking your own values and goals into account.
#82. Dad, does having more stuff make me happier? Lifestyle, Minimalism, Purpose, Simplicity / By Material items do not always equal happiness. Sometimes they just add more stress and debt.
#164. Dad, tell me about reading Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Reading allows you to see the world more clearly.
#210. Dad, what is a victim mindset? Habits, Kindness, YOLO / By DAD: Stop blaming others and take responsibility for the circumstances of your life.