#212. Dad, can money buy a great life?By / DAD: The things that make life great can’t be bought. Money can only help extend your options.
#92. Dad, how much debt do Canadian households owe? Debt, Money, Spending / By The level of consumer debt in Canada has been increasing for the past 30 years. Canadian households owe more than […]
#293. Dad, what is financial puberty? Purpose, Values / By The discovery of your financial values relative to your financial independence.
#188. Dad, sometimes I really move fast and get lots done Decisions, Lifestyle, Motivation, Purpose / By It doesn’t matter how fast you move as long you are moving in a worthwhile direction.
#414. Dad, what do you mean by “hoarding life”. Authentic, Delayed Gratification, Fear, Gratitude, Happiness, Peace, Self Esteem, Simplicity, Success, Wisdom / By Spending your days trying to get experiences “under your belt”, in an effort to maximise your collection of experiences. Placing […]
#142. Dad, is it OK that my values about money and spending are different from my friends? Money, Spending, Values / By Personal values and spending habits are unique to everybody. Spend based on your personal values.
#86. Dad, do I have to spend a lot of money to be content? Gratitude, Happiness, Lifestyle, Money, Simplicity / By You don’t need to get out of the city to feel calm. You don’t need a gym membership to push […]