#128. Dad, how much debt do Canadian households owe ?By / Canadian households owe $1.71 for every dollar they earn. Scary.
#389. Dad, what does it mean to ” burn your boat?” Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Fear / By Burning your boat is an act of courage that makes it impossible to return to an earlier situation.
#55. Dad, why is it so awkward to talk about money when you are in a relationship? Debt, Financial Freedom, Love, Minimalism, Money, Spending / By It is awkward, but necessary, to talk about money with your loved ones. I suggest you speak often, keep the […]
#105. Dad, what is the “30-day rule!” Credit Card, Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom / By When making large purchases, use this rule to decide whether the item is a need or a want.
#168. Dad, how can I avoid the payment syndrome? Debt, Money / By Learn to exercise self-control and delay purchases until you can pay in full, with cash.
#89. Dad, do you have advice about getting out of debt? Credit Card, Debt, Financial Freedom, Money, Simplicity / By Just get started.
#385. Dad, what does “eat the frog” mean? Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Life Advice, Motivation, Simplicity / By “Eat the frog” is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging tasks of the day – the ones you are […]