#107. Dad, why do we have to keep learning?By / Socrates believed he knew nothing and kept learning and discovering. We also know nothing. So, we have to keep learning.
#125. Dad, there is so much I still have to figure out Happiness, Life Advice, Risk, Wisdom / By It’s not always about trying to figure things out. Sometimes it’s about allowing things to reveal themselves.
#118. Dad, what is the external comparison trap? Character, Humble, Life Advice, Lifestyle, Minimalism / By Comparison makes us feel as if life is a race. The only benefit to comparison is inspiration.
#291. Dad, does your car or house determine how wealthy you are? Debt, Happiness, Humble, Purpose / By What you drive and where you live has absolutely nothing to do with your wealth.
#419. Dad, how do I help my children develop a positive self-image and confidence? Authentic, Character, Courage, Habits, Life Advice, Success, Values / By Encourage them to celebrate their strengths and accomplishments, provide constructive feedback, and offer unconditional love and support. Help them set […]
#221. Dad, I don’t achieve everything I set out to do Wisdom / By DAD: Easy Solution. Try and do less.
#11. Dad, what is an emergency fund? Wisdom / By The purpose of an emergency fund is to allow a person to get through financial emergencies without incurring debt.