#405. Dad, how do I relax in the chaos?By / Breathe deeply and slowly. Focus only on your breath and become comfortable with chaos.
#263. Dad, I have difficulty saying “No” Habits, Motivation, Success / By When you say “NO”, you are saving space for “YES”.
#195. Dad, do people become suddenly successful? Habits, Purpose, Success, Wisdom / By Most successful people develop good habits over time and perfect their habits. These habits have made them successful.
#267. Dad, what causes unhappiness? Decisions, Happiness, Life Advice / By Our own unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others makes us unhappy.
#372. Dad, what is clutter? Lifestyle, Minimalism, Peace, Simplicity / By Anything that does not bring tranquillity and peace to your life is clutter.
#397. Dad, what is “Premeditatio Malorum”? Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Fear, Resilience, Risk / By Premeditatio Malorum or “negative visualization” is a Stoic exercise of imagining things that could go wrong or be taken away […]
#77. Dad, tell me about work. Habits, Happiness, Life Advice / By Avoid busy work. Enjoy focused work instead.