#268. Dad, what is emotional self-reliance?By / I like Mark Manson’s definition: “The ability to see one’s own flaws and be accountable for them.”
#253. Dad, how do I live boldly? Fear, Happiness, Purpose / By Living boldly means recognizing that many of your fears are false.
#342. Dad, can anger be useful? Character, Leadership, Passion, Values, Wisdom / By Anger can be useful when it is used to defend the innocent.
#72. Dad, what is minimalism? Happiness, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Peace, Simplicity, Values / By Minimalism is less about the quantity of items you have and more about the quality of life you create.
#326. Dad, does success make anxiety and depression better? Humble, Peace, Purpose, Simplicity, Success / By Success is not a cure for anxiety or depression. Sometimes it makes it worse.
#418. Dad, how do I balance being a supportive parent and allowing my children to learn from their mistakes? Habits, Happiness, Leadership, Love, Peace, Resilience, Wisdom / By Balancing support and autonomy is key. Offer guidance and encouragement, but also give them space to make decisions and learn […]
#118. Dad, what is the external comparison trap? Character, Humble, Life Advice, Lifestyle, Minimalism / By Comparison makes us feel as if life is a race. The only benefit to comparison is inspiration.