#338. Dad, why do some people avoid happiness?By / Some people avoid happiness because they fail to be grateful for the little things.
#413. Dad, what is Cheerful Despair? Courage, Empathy, Fear, Gratitude, Humble, Love, Peace, Resilience, Self Esteem / By In our pursuit of meaning, we learn to draw the full value from what is good, regardless of its scale. […]
#245. Dad. What is the imposter syndrome? Character, Gratitude, Happiness, Kindness, Success / By The idea that you’ve only succeeded due to luck, and not because of your talent or qualifications.
#343. Dad, I focus too much on yesterday and tomorrow? Fear, Gratitude, Happiness, Wisdom / By Obsession with yesterday leads to regret and a constant focus on the future breeds anxiety.
#141. Dad, sometimes I don’t know what to do Decisions, Happiness / By Start with “what makes you happy” and know that there is no right answer.
#131. Dad, is the grass actually greener on the other side? Gratitude, Happiness, Life Advice, Purpose, Simplicity / By Who cares what colour the grass is on the other side. Live in the moment and embrace the present.
#198. Dad, how do I enjoy most of my day? Gratitude, Happiness, Peace / By It is not realistic to enjoy every part of your day. Just enjoy the small moments.