#64. Dad, what is the external comparison trap? Happiness, Humble, Minimalism / By Comparison makes us feel as if life is a race. The only conceivable benefit to comparison is inspiration.
#296. Dad, why do you prefer experiences rather than gifts? Generosity, Gratitude, Happiness, Kindness / By I am not against gifts. I simply prefer something that has meaning or memories, instead of stuff.
#102. Dad, does having more stuff equal happiness? Happiness, Minimalism, Simplicity, Spending / By Material items do not always equal happiness. Sometimes they just add stress and debt.
#116. Dad, how do I beat procrastination? Habits, Life Advice, Motivation / By Get better at two things: self- management and willpower
#427. Dad, what is the difference between enabling and supporting someone? Accountability, Courage, Empathy, Kindness, Life Advice, Motivation, Resilience, Self Care / By Support helps people grow and learn from consequences. Enabling shields people from necessary life lessons. If you are solving their […]
#265. Dad, what is Wu-Wei? Fear, Purpose, Risk, Time / By Wu-Wei is action through non action. Letting go and letting things unfold. It is the opposite of trying to control.