#267. Dad, what causes unhappiness?By / Our own unrealistic expectations of ourselves and others makes us unhappy.
#319. How do I build my mental strength muscles? Generosity, Happiness, Life Advice, Resilience, Self Esteem, Time / By Mental strength is built through small, daily victories. It’s the individual choices we make daily that build our “mental strength” […]
#199. Dad, what is “background stress?” Fear, Kindness, Life Advice, Self Esteem / By Background” stress is a constant and continuous level of stress brought about by too many life demands
#118. Dad, what is the external comparison trap? Character, Humble, Life Advice, Lifestyle, Minimalism / By Comparison makes us feel as if life is a race. The only benefit to comparison is inspiration.
#371. Dad, what does perfection look like? Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Life Advice, Love, Peace / By No need to understand what perfection looks like, focus on what better looks like.
#426. Dad, how do you know if you are making decisions from fear or wisdom? Decisions, Fear, Peace, Wisdom / By Fear-based decisions feel rushed and constricting. Wisdom-based decisions feel grounded, peaceful, even challenging. Wisdom considers consequences while maintaining inner calm.
#253. Dad, how do I live boldly? Fear, Happiness, Purpose / By Living boldly means recognizing that many of your fears are false.