#349. Dad, is it advisable to “just let go?”By / Letting go to the point of not caring is actually similar to trying to control everything.
#406. Dad, what is the curse of knowledge? Empathy, Humble, Kindness, Purpose, Success, Wisdom / By Once we know something, we assume everyone else knows it, too. There are always people to teach and people to […]
#253. Dad, how do I live boldly? Fear, Happiness, Purpose / By Living boldly means recognizing that many of your fears are false.
#262. Dad, what is a quick way to simplify my life? Lifestyle, Money, Simplicity, Time / By Identify what is most important to you. Eliminate everything else.
#184. Dad, how do you prioritize? Motivation, Purpose, Spending, Time / By I always get the important stuff done first and don’t waste time on stupid shit!
#379. Dad, starting my business is a slow process. I want to quit. Decisions, Fear, Humble, Passion, Resilience / By Being an entrepreneur takes time. Quitting won’t speed it up.
#351. Dad, what is decision fatigue? Decisions, Risk / By When you are unsure what to do and the situation wins.