#426. Dad, how do you know if you are making decisions from fear or wisdom?By / Fear-based decisions feel rushed and constricting. Wisdom-based decisions feel grounded, peaceful, even challenging. Wisdom considers consequences while maintaining inner calm.
#7. Dad, what is the purpose of Money? Wisdom / By The purpose of money is not to buy things. It’s there so that we can buy ourselves some freedom, so […]
#346. Dad, what is the difference between delusional optimism and realistic optimism? Leadership, Wisdom / By Pretending everything is fine is not the same as knowing you’re going to be OK.
#214. Dad, some days are so hard Character, Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Minimalism, Purpose, Resilience, Simplicity, Success / By DAD: Your track record for getting through hard days is 100% so far.
#198. Dad, how do I enjoy most of my day? Gratitude, Happiness, Peace / By It is not realistic to enjoy every part of your day. Just enjoy the small moments.
#364. Dad, when are we happiest and effective? Gratitude, Happiness, Kindness, Peace, Time / By We are happiest and most effective when our minds cease to be time travellers and stay focused on the here […]
#401. Dad, what is the Paradox Of Unanimity? Courage, Empathy, Fear, Leadership / By The more people agree, the less likely they are thinking for themselves. Therefore, beware of consensuses.