#251. Dad, what are the three most harmful addictions?By / Heroin, carbohydrates and a monthly salary.
#325. Dad, should I only plan for the future? Gratitude, Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Designating time to plan for the future is essential, as is reflecting on and learning from the past.
#276. Dad, tell me about self doubt. Character, Habits, Risk / By It is the feeling of panic and anxiety at the idea of failure.
#311. Dad, sometimes I feel lost Fear, Love, Peace, Values / By You may feel lost, but you are not alone. Ask for help and let go of the idea that you […]
#42. Dad, what is the “damn I’m happy stage”? Happiness, Life Advice, Peace, Purpose / By It is called fulfillment. You reach this stage when you discover who you are by supporting yourself doing work you […]
#132. Dad, is it important to have structure in your day? Character, Habits, Life Advice, Spending / By Having structure is important to get things done. Setting aside unstructured “thinking time” is just as important.
#161. Dad, how important is rest? Habits, Lifestyle, Values / By Rest is a necessary ingredient for your mind and body. Rest is not given to us, we have to take […]