#385. Dad, what does “eat the frog” mean? Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Life Advice, Motivation, Simplicity / By “Eat the frog” is a metaphor for tackling your most challenging tasks of the day – the ones you are […]
#439. Dad, tell me about large scale vs. intimate moments. Contentment, Gratitude, Kindness, Love, Peace, Self Care, Spending, Time / By We chase big life events—marriage, career milestones, exotic trips. Yet, the joy lies in everyday interactions: a shared smile, a […]
#13. Dad, what is lifestyle inflation? BLOG, Credit Card, Debt, Financial Freedom, Money / By Lifestyle inflation is when you keep increasing your lifestyle as your income grows. That is why so many wealthy people […]
#85. Dad, what are the main financial challenges facing Millennials? Credit Card, Debt, Lifestyle, Money / By Most Millennials are weighed down by student debt, the high cost of housing and bleak career prospects.
#124. Dad, tell me about getting old Gratitude, Happiness, Life Advice, Purpose / By As you age, you’ll learn to value your time, genuine relationships, meaningful work, and peace of mind.
#3. Dad, what is ‘What-the-hell-effect’? Debt, Spending / By The ‘What-the-hell-effect’ is when you have spent more than you have earned and then decide that you might as well […]