#187. Dad, does everybody pray? Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Love / By Everyone prays. The peace and love our hearts long for is our unspoken prayer.
#84. Dad, what are the 3 steps to get out of debt? Debt, Delayed Gratification, Money, Spending / By Assess the damage. Understand the root cause. Change your habits.
#91. Dad, what is a credit card? Credit Card, Delayed Gratification, Money, Spending / By A credit card is money that does not belong to you. It is not free, and the longer you take […]
#129. Dad, is a high income a guarantee that you will retire rich? Debt, Money, Spending, Success / By There are no guarantees. Make sure you spend less than you earn and save for the future.
#117. Which is best, the carrot or the stick? Generosity, Humble, Kindness, Leadership / By Neither. Motivate people by sharing context about the work they are doing. People are motivated when their work has relevance.
#402. Dad, how do I become authentically confident? Authentic, Gratitude, Habits, Humble, Purpose, Self Esteem / By Becoming authentically confident means becoming comfortable with your moments of insecurity and using it as a source of positive energy.