#316. Dad, what does Charles Dickens’s classic story, “A Christmas Carol”, teach us about money?By / True wealth is not about money.
#347. Dad, what is grace? Character, Covid19, Gratitude, Wisdom / By Grace is the ability to find peace regardless of your capacity to control your circumstances
#306. Dad, what does it mean to embrace our vulnerabilities. Fear, Love, Risk / By It means being open to criticism while not feeling crushed by it.
#319. How do I build my mental strength muscles? Generosity, Happiness, Life Advice, Resilience, Self Esteem, Time / By Mental strength is built through small, daily victories. It’s the individual choices we make daily that build our “mental strength” […]
#393. Dad, what is mental clutter? Decisions, Fear, Gratitude, Resilience, Simplicity / By It is a never-ending list of ‘’shoulds”. It distracts your mind and makes you feel overwhelmed.
#278. Dad, do I need external validation to recognize my success? Gratitude, Purpose, Success / By Self-esteem and self-worth only come from the inside and other people’s validation should not matter
#112. Dad, what is the difference between thinking and doing? Character, Generosity, Gratitude, Humble, Life Advice, Motivation / By Thinking is valueless, unless it leads to doing.