#383. Dad, how should we accept people into our lives?By / Accept people into your life purely on humanity and character and not nationality or similarity.
#423. Dad, how do you maintain boundaries without feeling guilty? Character, Contentment, Courage, Decisions, Lifestyle, Peace, Self Esteem / By Boundaries protect relationships, not harm them. Your well-being matters as much as others’. Clear boundaries actually allow for deeper, more […]
#257. Dad, when do values matter? Character, Values / By Values matter the most when you really feel conflicted.
#299. Dad, how do I impress others? Character, Gratitude, Humble, Purpose / By Living an authentic life where you are genuinely true to yourself every single day will impress others.
#378. Dad, what are the signs of low self-awareness? Character, Humble, Leadership, Self Esteem / By Never admitting mistakes, criticizing others and being vague about your feelings.
#181. Dad, what should define me? Character, Humble, Passion / By If you are going to be defined by something, it might as well be something that you love.
#37. Dad, what is financial resilience? Character, Money, Resilience / By Financial resilience is the ability to bounce back, adapt, learn and continue to put one foot in front of the […]