#384. Dad, why do we get bored?By / We get bored because we fail to see the beauty in the mundane. We forget to appreciate the simple things in life, and we forget how to spend time with our thoughts.
#277. Dad, can I always be perfectly happy? Happiness, Wisdom / By There is no magic bullet to happiness. There will always be discomfort and worry.
#174. Dad, how do I find peace? Happiness, Peace / By A good starting point is to stop worrying about what other people think about you.
#423. Dad, how do you maintain boundaries without feeling guilty? Character, Contentment, Courage, Decisions, Lifestyle, Peace, Self Esteem / By Boundaries protect relationships, not harm them. Your well-being matters as much as others’. Clear boundaries actually allow for deeper, more […]
#350. Dad, how do I manage my guilt? Fear, Kindness, Love / By Guilt is self-hate. Self-hate destroys optimism. Be kind to yourself every day.
#355.Dad, which people do you admire most? Covid19, Generosity, Humble, Kindness, Love, Wisdom / By The people I admire most are kind and generous and do what they can to make others feel truly seen.
#161. Dad, how important is rest? Habits, Lifestyle, Values / By Rest is a necessary ingredient for your mind and body. Rest is not given to us, we have to take […]