#138. Dad, sometimes I feel I am busy all the timeBy / We are all busy. We’ve all taken on too much. Saying yes to less is the way out.
#265. Dad, what is Wu-Wei? Fear, Purpose, Risk, Time / By Wu-Wei is action through non action. Letting go and letting things unfold. It is the opposite of trying to control.
#115. Dad, I have made some bad decisions. Decisions, Fear / By Forgive yourself for any bad decisions you have made in your life. See it as an opportunity for growth.
#399. Dad, what is Tsundoku (積ん読) Character, Gratitude, Happiness, Simplicity / By Tsundoku (積ん読) is a beautiful Japanese word describing the habit of acquiring books but letting them pile up without reading […]
#200. Dad, I worry too much. Fear, Simplicity / By When you worry too much, it is easy to mistake your worries for reality, instead of recognizing that they are […]
#329. Dad, how do I make progress? Accountability, Decisions, Purpose / By Simply make decisions. Without making decisions, you will remain stagnant, lacklustre and unfocused.
#353.Dad, what is the paradox of social distancing? Covid19, Generosity, Kindness, Love / By The paradox of social distancing is that most people have grown closer to their work colleagues, families and neighbours.