#63. Dad, how much is enough?By / If you have a safe place to sleep, reasonable health and food in the fridge, you probably have enough.
#316. Dad, what does Charles Dickens’s classic story, “A Christmas Carol”, teach us about money? Generosity, Gratitude, Kindness, Love, Wisdom / By True wealth is not about money.
#241. Dad, what is the meaning of life? Happiness, Kindness, Life Advice, Purpose, Success / By DAD: Whatever you want it to be.
#418. Dad, how do I balance being a supportive parent and allowing my children to learn from their mistakes? Habits, Happiness, Leadership, Love, Peace, Resilience, Wisdom / By Balancing support and autonomy is key. Offer guidance and encouragement, but also give them space to make decisions and learn […]
#239. Dad, you speak about “Quiet Leadership”. Character, Humble, Leadership / By Quiet leaders don’t raise their voices. They listen more than they speak.
#130. Dad, why should I keep a diary? Decisions, Humble, Life Advice / By A diary helps you to pay attention to your life and it’s a good place to keep bad ideas.
#198. Dad, how do I enjoy most of my day? Gratitude, Happiness, Peace / By It is not realistic to enjoy every part of your day. Just enjoy the small moments.