#62. Dad, why should I not keep up with the Joneses?By / If you are emulating what someone else does or has, you aren’t taking your own values and goals into account.
#154. Dad, how do I become a better version of myself? Character, Humble, Passion, Purpose, Spending / By You have to remain consistent, don’t strive for perfection and learn to say “No” more often.
#340. Dad, how do you know if somebody has low EQ? Leadership, Talent, Wisdom / By They blame others for their problems.
#51. Dad, what is the difference between thinking and doing? Accountability, Decisions, Habits, Leadership / By Thinking is relatively valueless unless it leads to doing. You can daydream about your goals, but until you start working […]
#422. Dad, when does being frugal cross the line into being cheap? Financial Freedom, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Money, Simplicity, Values / By Frugal people make smart financial choices while still investing in what matters. Cheap people sacrifice quality and relationships just to […]
#326. Dad, does success make anxiety and depression better? Humble, Peace, Purpose, Simplicity, Success / By Success is not a cure for anxiety or depression. Sometimes it makes it worse.
#380. Dad, what is justice? Character, Peace, Values, Wisdom / By Author Omid Safi wrote, “Justice is love, embodied. We cannot speak of love without linking it to justice, nor of […]