#408. Dad, what are Tara Beach’s areas of thought leadership? By / Meditation, emotional healing, spiritual awakening.
#117. Which is best, the carrot or the stick? Generosity, Humble, Kindness, Leadership / By Neither. Motivate people by sharing context about the work they are doing. People are motivated when their work has relevance.
#223. Dad, what is the Pygmalion Effect? Character, Happiness, Life Advice, Success / By DAD: The Pygmalion Effect is how the power of positive thinking can result in positive outcomes—just by changing your perspective.
#421. Dad, how can you tell the difference between contentment and settling for less? Gratitude, Happiness, Peace, Simplicity / By Contentment brings peace while still allowing for growth. Settling creates resentment and requires suppressing your true desires. If you feel […]
#373. Dad, tell me about masking my emotions Fear, Happiness, Resilience / By We will benefit from being honest with ourselves about uncertainty, difficulty and moving forward.
#121. Dad, I fear the unknown Character, Fear / By A tiny part of your life is decided by uncontrollable circumstances, while the vast majority of it is decided by […]
#331. Dad, what is status anxiety? Credit Card, Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Gratitude, Humble, Values / By It is the constant fear of being perceived as “unsuccessful” by society in terms of material wealth.