#350. Dad, how do I manage my guilt?By / Guilt is self-hate. Self-hate destroys optimism. Be kind to yourself every day.
#316. Dad, what does Charles Dickens’s classic story, “A Christmas Carol”, teach us about money? Generosity, Gratitude, Kindness, Love, Wisdom / By True wealth is not about money.
#241. Dad, what is the meaning of life? Happiness, Kindness, Life Advice, Purpose, Success / By DAD: Whatever you want it to be.
#410. Dad, what is the positive-sum game Character, Empathy, Generosity, Humble, Kindness, Leadership, Self Esteem / By A game where the total gains and losses is greater than zero. It’s a game where everyone wins.
#417. Dad, how do I build mental endurance? Courage, Habits, Kindness, Resilience, Self Esteem, Wisdom / By The drive to persevere is something some are born with, but it’s also a muscle everyone can learn to flex.
#173. Dad, I don’t seem to have peace of mind Gratitude, Happiness, Kindness / By Peace of mind arrives the moment you come to peace with what is on your mind.
#375. Dad, what are negative thoughts? Fear, Love, Peace, Time / By Negative thoughts are the past trying to occupy the present and the future. These thoughts do not represent the present […]