#376. Dad, how do our thoughts change our mood?By / Our thoughts are incredibly powerful. Our thoughts bring us down or lift us up. How we think about things literally changes everything!
#352. Dad, what should our priorities be during a pandemic? Covid19, Fear, Leadership, Purpose / By Our priorities should be our sanity, survival and safety of our loved ones
#397. Dad, what is “Premeditatio Malorum”? Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Fear, Resilience, Risk / By Premeditatio Malorum or “negative visualization” is a Stoic exercise of imagining things that could go wrong or be taken away […]
#199. Dad, what is “background stress?” Fear, Kindness, Life Advice, Self Esteem / By Background” stress is a constant and continuous level of stress brought about by too many life demands
#265. Dad, what is Wu-Wei? Fear, Purpose, Risk, Time / By Wu-Wei is action through non action. Letting go and letting things unfold. It is the opposite of trying to control.
#111. Dad, sometimes I judge people too quickly Character, Decisions, Fear, Humble, Kindness / By We all make snap judgements unconsciously. Try to observe, listen and understand before judging.
#22. Dad, how do I live a simple, uncluttered life? Fear, Generosity, Gratitude, Happiness / By Living a simpler, uncluttered life means a life that is not filled with constant busyness, worry and stress, but instead […]