#379. Dad, starting my business is a slow process. I want to quit.By / Being an entrepreneur takes time. Quitting won’t speed it up.
#243. Dad, are rules sacred? Decisions, Life Advice, Success / By Rules are not sacred, principles are.
#183. Dad, I hope to run a marathon someday. Motivation, Passion, Purpose / By Hope won’t get you anywhere. Expect that you will succeed.
#180. Dad, I feel that I have to be in control. Character, Decisions, Humble, Motivation, Purpose / By If you want to be in control, start by letting go of control and see if things start to take […]
#126. Dad, tell me about Roy Halladay. Generosity, Humble, Kindness, Leadership / By Roy “Doc” Halladay was an incredible and generous human being. He also happened to be a phenomenal baseball superstar.
#302. Dad, is it OK to buy inexpensive stuff? Debt, Decisions, Life Advice, Minimalism, YOLO / By Justifying purchases with a low sticker price is faulty logic. Eventually, our stuff will get the last laugh with the […]
#43. Dad, why is complacency dangerous? Motivation, Passion, Purpose, Success / By Complacency forces you to stand still and not grow. The antidote to complacency is novelty and experimentation.