#30. Dad, why do we make mistakes?By / Mistakes are often the result of laziness or an obsession with perfection.
#337. Dad, some days I just want to vent Character, Gratitude, Humble / By Be sure to vent about your joys and not only your problems.
#328. Dad, what is Sitzfleisch ( sit-flesh)? Delayed Gratification, Motivation, Purpose, Resilience / By In German, if someone ‘has a lot of Sitzfleisch’, it means they can endure lengthy or boring tasks until the […]
#427. Dad, what is the difference between enabling and supporting someone? Accountability, Courage, Empathy, Kindness, Life Advice, Motivation, Resilience, Self Care / By Support helps people grow and learn from consequences. Enabling shields people from necessary life lessons. If you are solving their […]
#251. Dad, what are the three most harmful addictions? Character, Life Advice, Lifestyle, Peace / By Heroin, carbohydrates and a monthly salary.
#324. Dad, I have so many disappointments. Resilience, Risk, Self Esteem / By The quality of your life depends on how you handle disappointments.
#254. Dad, tell me about failing Life Advice, Resilience, Success / By Failing is a necessary step to success. Failing does not make you a failure.