#31. Dad, may I buy anything I desire?By / Yes. You can buy anything you desire – as long as you have saved for it first.
#412. Dad, tell me about famous vs unnoticed Authentic, Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Peace, Purpose, Spending, Time / By We are drawn to famous events and places, assuming they will be more delightful. Reading novel in the garden can […]
#439. Dad, tell me about large scale vs. intimate moments. Contentment, Gratitude, Kindness, Love, Peace, Self Care, Spending, Time / By We chase big life events—marriage, career milestones, exotic trips. Yet, the joy lies in everyday interactions: a shared smile, a […]
#90. Dad, what is ingratitude? Gratitude, Happiness, Money, Time / By Ingratitude is when money only flows inward and never outward.
#204. Dad, tell me about being a perfectionist. Decisions, Gratitude, Habits, Purpose, Spending / By DAD: Perfectionists are motivated to make the best choice every time. This can lead to decision paralysis.
#331. Dad, what is status anxiety? Credit Card, Debt, Delayed Gratification, Financial Freedom, Gratitude, Humble, Values / By It is the constant fear of being perceived as “unsuccessful” by society in terms of material wealth.
#207. Dad, what is the “ten second” rule? Credit Card, Debt, Financial Freedom, Minimalism, Money / By DAD: Any time you are about to spend money, count to ten slowly and consider how this purchase may impact your […]