#44. Dad, when do most people over spend their income?By / DAD: Most people who overspend their income in one of three ways: Too much house, Too much car, Too much entertainment
#110. Dad, give me money advice in ten words or less. Debt, Financial Freedom, Purpose / By Be mindful of how you spend money
#76. Dad, should I start to invest? Happiness, Minimalism, Money / By Start by investing in your personal development and become an expert in one thing.
#80. Dad, what is the happiness fund? Happiness, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By Treat yourself if it brings you happiness. Enjoy your money with moderation. Balance is the key.
#69. Dad, does having a budget mean no fun and all work. Financial Freedom, Habits, Money, Success / By Definitely not. A budget is a plan, so you can enjoy your favourite things responsibly.
#81. Dad, what about spending money? Money, Simplicity, Spending, YOLO / By Being good with money does not mean you don’t spend it. And not spending does not make you good with […]
#1. Dad, this money thing is so boring. I prefer not to know. Credit Card, Debt, Money, Spending / By When it comes to understanding money, ignorance is not bliss.