#142. Dad, is it OK that my values about money and spending are different from my friends?By / Personal values and spending habits are unique to everybody. Spend based on your personal values.
#250. Dad, what is akrasia? Lifestyle, Minimalism, Simplicity, Spending / By Akrasia is when you do one thing even though you know you should do something else. Like spending and saving.
#342. Dad, can anger be useful? Character, Leadership, Passion, Values, Wisdom / By Anger can be useful when it is used to defend the innocent.
#293. Dad, what is financial puberty? Purpose, Values / By The discovery of your financial values relative to your financial independence.
#57. Dad, what is financial awareness? Humble, Minimalism, Purpose, Values / By Recognizing the state of your finances when making financial decisions by not allowing your emotions to get the better of […]
#97. What is #3 rule of money? Credit Card, Debt, Money, Spending / By Pay your credit card balance in full every month.
#193. Dad, are smart people financially wealthy? Financial Freedom, Money, Success, YOLO / By There is no correlation between high levels of intelligence and high levels of financial wealth.