#45. Dad, is money a valuable goal?By / Money should never be the goal. Money is a tool to help you accomplish your goals.
#185. Dad, does spending less equate to less joy? Credit Card, Debt, Money, Simplicity / By On the contrary, spending less brings more joy.
#437. Dad, how does credit card debt impact emotional well-being? Contentment, Credit Card, Financial Freedom, Money, Peace, Spending / By Credit card debt creates stress and limits freedom. Financial responsibility brings peace of mind.
#422. Dad, when does being frugal cross the line into being cheap? Financial Freedom, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Money, Simplicity, Values / By Frugal people make smart financial choices while still investing in what matters. Cheap people sacrifice quality and relationships just to […]
#223. Dad, what is the Pygmalion Effect? Character, Happiness, Life Advice, Success / By DAD: The Pygmalion Effect is how the power of positive thinking can result in positive outcomes—just by changing your perspective.
#56. Dad, what is the quote from the movie “Fight Club” you mention when speaking about materialism? Delayed Gratification, Habits, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Money, Simplicity, Spending / By “The things you own end up owning you”. Materialism, by and large, is a psychological trap. No matter how much […]
#430. Dad, how do you know if you are growing apart from someone versus going through a normal phase? Contentment, Life Advice, Love, Time / By Phases are temporary bumps while core connection remains. Growing apart involves lasting value changes and decreasing desire to connect. In […]