#207. Dad, what is the “ten second” rule?By / DAD: Any time you are about to spend money, count to ten slowly and consider how this purchase may impact your life.
#31. Dad, may I buy anything I desire? Debt, Decisions, Money, Spending / By Yes. You can buy anything you desire – as long as you have saved for it first.
#81. Dad, what about spending money? Money, Simplicity, Spending, YOLO / By Being good with money does not mean you don’t spend it. And not spending does not make you good with […]
#317. Dad, is it OK to shop on Boxing day? Credit Card, Debt, Spending / By Yes, as long as you temper your spending and don’t go into debt.
#69. Dad, does having a budget mean no fun and all work. Financial Freedom, Habits, Money, Success / By Definitely not. A budget is a plan, so you can enjoy your favourite things responsibly.
#437. Dad, how does credit card debt impact emotional well-being? Contentment, Credit Card, Financial Freedom, Money, Peace, Spending / By Credit card debt creates stress and limits freedom. Financial responsibility brings peace of mind.
#96. What is #2 rule of money? Life Advice, Money, Spending / By Strive to save 10 to 20 percent of your monthly income.