#116. Dad, how do I beat procrastination? Habits, Life Advice, Motivation / By Get better at two things: self- management and willpower
#58. Dad, how do most adults rate their financial literacy skills? Debt, Financial Freedom, Life Advice, Money / By More than 60% of adults rate their financial knowledge as “fair” or “poor”.
#74. Dad, how do I get through all my many tasks in a day? Character, Habits, Minimalism, Peace, Time, Wisdom / By It’s not about how much you do each day, but rather how you reduce the unessential very day. Less is […]
#178. Dad, how do I make changes in my life? Habits, Minimalism, Motivation / By Practice rituals and build habits one at a time and then let them build on one another.
#151. Dad, do you always do things that make you happy? Character, Delayed Gratification, Habits, Humble, Resilience / By Sometimes you forced to do unpleasant things in order to make you happy later. That is called sacrifice.
#158. Dad, what is attention management? Habits, Humble, Kindness, Leadership, Love, Time / By Attention management is the practice of controlling distractions, being present in the moment and maximizing focus.