#137. Dad, should I fear the unknown? Character, Motivation, Passion, Success / By The unknown should not feared. It is merely something you’ve yet to experience.
#12. Dad, does earning more money translate into more savings? Wisdom / By Lifestyle inflation is when you keep increasing your lifestyle as your income grows. That is why so many wealthy people […]
#379. Dad, starting my business is a slow process. I want to quit. Decisions, Fear, Humble, Passion, Resilience / By Being an entrepreneur takes time. Quitting won’t speed it up.
#167. Dad, I try to learn as much as I can from others. Leadership, Motivation, Risk, Time, Values, Wisdom / By It is just as important to learn what not to do from others as much as what to do.
#368. Dad, is winning the most important thing? Character, Humble, Love, Values / By Winning is not the only thing that matters — what you learn about yourself and life during the process, is far more […]
#422. Dad, when does being frugal cross the line into being cheap? Financial Freedom, Lifestyle, Minimalism, Money, Simplicity, Values / By Frugal people make smart financial choices while still investing in what matters. Cheap people sacrifice quality and relationships just to […]