#294. Dad, what should I NOT feel guilty about?By / Staying true to your values, staying away from toxic people, and embracing change.
#181. Dad, what should define me? Character, Humble, Passion / By If you are going to be defined by something, it might as well be something that you love.
#308. Dad, should I care what people think of my choices? Decisions, Happiness, Life Advice, Peace, Self Esteem / By Become good at not caring what irrelevant people think about you. Decide who belongs in the relevant bunch.
#77. Dad, tell me about work. Habits, Happiness, Life Advice / By Avoid busy work. Enjoy focused work instead.
#40. Dad, uncle Ben told Spider-Man: “With great power comes great responsibility.” What does this mean? Character, Humble, Purpose / By Unfortunately, he had it backwards. When you accept responsibility, you give yourself power.
#436. Dad, can you find contentment without achieving your goals? Contentment, Happiness, Peace, Purpose, Success / By Yes, by appreciating the journey and valuing growth over the outcome
#122. Dad, tell me about new experiences. Character, Happiness / By New experiences provide opportunities for new versions of ourselves to emerge.