#318. Dad, should I react to every conversation?By / Silent acknowledgment works better when people are venting.
#23. Dad, what do you mean when you say I should align my spending with my priorities? Wisdom / By Figure out your true hourly wage. Think of purchases in terms of how many hours you have to work to […]
#238. Dad, what is the difference between fear and sadness? Happiness, Time / By Fear usually pertains to the future sadness is mostly confined to the present or past.
#164. Dad, tell me about reading Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Reading allows you to see the world more clearly.
#78. Dad, what do I do when I find myself directionless? Decisions, Life Advice, Motivation, Resilience / By When in doubt choose flexibility. Visualize where you want to go and seed your life with the opportunity for change.
#371. Dad, what does perfection look like? Gratitude, Happiness, Humble, Life Advice, Love, Peace / By No need to understand what perfection looks like, focus on what better looks like.
#305. Dad, sometimes I feel like I have no direction. Accountability, Decisions, Happiness, Life Advice, Motivation / By Having no direction is an excuse to get one step closer to a more fulfilling life.