#428. Dad, how do you balance planning for the future with living in the present?By / Set specific times for future planning, but don’t let it consume your daily life. Create basic plans, then return your focus to enjoying and appreciating today.
#82. Dad, does having more stuff make me happier? Lifestyle, Minimalism, Purpose, Simplicity / By Material items do not always equal happiness. Sometimes they just add more stress and debt.
#389. Dad, what does it mean to ” burn your boat?” Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Fear / By Burning your boat is an act of courage that makes it impossible to return to an earlier situation.
#40. Dad, uncle Ben told Spider-Man: “With great power comes great responsibility.” What does this mean? Character, Humble, Purpose / By Unfortunately, he had it backwards. When you accept responsibility, you give yourself power.
#367. Dad, is 2020 the new normal? Covid19, Leadership, Purpose, Time / By I don’t like the term “new normal. I prefer to see it as an opportunity to change, reimagine and create.
#147. Dad, sometimes I am afraid to take financial risks. Risk / By Measured risks are important to achieve certain goals when you are young.
#436. Dad, can you find contentment without achieving your goals? Contentment, Happiness, Peace, Purpose, Success / By Yes, by appreciating the journey and valuing growth over the outcome