#131. Dad, is the grass actually greener on the other side?By / Who cares what colour the grass is on the other side. Live in the moment and embrace the present.
#42. Dad, what is the “damn I’m happy stage”? Happiness, Life Advice, Peace, Purpose / By It is called fulfillment. You reach this stage when you discover who you are by supporting yourself doing work you […]
#299. Dad, how do I impress others? Character, Gratitude, Humble, Purpose / By Living an authentic life where you are genuinely true to yourself every single day will impress others.
#333. Dad, dealing with a pandemic is disheartening. BLOG, Covid19, Gratitude, Passion / By Yes, it is painful and debilitating. However, the pain can be mediated by a sense of gratitude and passion for […]
#211. Dad, what is a “reverse bucket list?” Character, Decisions, Delayed Gratification, Habits, Happiness, Life Advice, Motivation, YOLO / By DAD: A “reverse bucket list” reminds you of what you have already done and makes you feel inspired instead of […]
#164. Dad, tell me about reading Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Reading allows you to see the world more clearly.
#238. Dad, what is the difference between fear and sadness? Happiness, Time / By Fear usually pertains to the future sadness is mostly confined to the present or past.