#224. Dad, what is regret?By / DAD: Regret comes in two forms: regretting doing something you wish you hadn’t done, and regretting not doing something you wish you would have done.
#403. Dad, what is the “do something principle?” Wisdom / By We often procrastinate because we are intimidated by our task. Make your task less intimidating by dividing it into small […]
#7. Dad, what is the purpose of Money? Wisdom / By The purpose of money is not to buy things. It’s there so that we can buy ourselves some freedom, so […]
#11. Dad, what is an emergency fund? Wisdom / By The purpose of an emergency fund is to allow a person to get through financial emergencies without incurring debt.
#313. Dad, criticism is difficult to handle. Fear, Humble, Self Esteem, Wisdom / By Criticism sparks discomfort. Viewing these feelings as data, not judgments, fosters openness to critique.
#157. Dad, how do I deal with daily distractions? Wisdom / By DAD: There are more distractions than ever before and you must learn to control your attention span in order to […]
#6. Dad, how do I get out of debt? Wisdom / By If you are thinking of getting out of debt, my advice is simple. Get Started.