#124. Dad, tell me about getting oldBy / As you age, you’ll learn to value your time, genuine relationships, meaningful work, and peace of mind.
#337. Dad, some days I just want to vent Character, Gratitude, Humble / By Be sure to vent about your joys and not only your problems.
#223. Dad, what is the Pygmalion Effect? Character, Happiness, Life Advice, Success / By DAD: The Pygmalion Effect is how the power of positive thinking can result in positive outcomes—just by changing your perspective.
#325. Dad, should I only plan for the future? Gratitude, Life Advice, Purpose, Wisdom / By Designating time to plan for the future is essential, as is reflecting on and learning from the past.
#112. Dad, what is the difference between thinking and doing? Character, Generosity, Gratitude, Humble, Life Advice, Motivation / By Thinking is valueless, unless it leads to doing.
#413. Dad, what is Cheerful Despair? Courage, Empathy, Fear, Gratitude, Humble, Love, Peace, Resilience, Self Esteem / By In our pursuit of meaning, we learn to draw the full value from what is good, regardless of its scale. […]
#393. Dad, what is mental clutter? Decisions, Fear, Gratitude, Resilience, Simplicity / By It is a never-ending list of ‘’shoulds”. It distracts your mind and makes you feel overwhelmed.